
This is the business website of Leela Cotton Naturtextilien Handels GmbH

Handelsregister Bremen
Registernummer HRB 15172 HB

Ahmet Celal Bektas

Company address:
Georg-Wulf-Straße 15
28199 Bremen

Tel.: 0049 (0)421 - 55 16 12
Fax: 0049 (0)421 - 53 56 05


Sales tax identification number according § 27 a Turnover Tax Law
VAT-Nr.: DE16024485

The EU Commission provides on its website the following link to the ODR platform:
This platform shall be a point of entry for out-of-court resolutions of disputes arising from online sales and service contracts concluded between consumers and traders.

Copyright © 2019 Leela Cotton Naturtextilien Handels GmbH

All rights reserved. All kind of copies or further processing in any medium requires a written agreement.

The information provided on this website has been carefully reviewed and is being updated constantly. However, no guarantee can be made that all information is complete, correct  and up-to-date at all times. This is particularly valid for links to other websites (external links) that are directly or indirectly linked. All informations can be completed, deleted or modified without announcement.